Aris Georgiou

Kanellidis – Grain and seed merchant
Kostas could remember it almost from when he had been a child living in the neighbourhood. Opposite the Kronos, then a cinema, now a taverna. Before the war and later it sold animal feeds to farmers in the area around Pylaia, then known as the Kapoutzides district, and even in Halkidiki, along with harness and tackle for horses, mules and donkeys.
Hay, bran, seeds – all the familiar smells. The shop was founded in 1923 and would now be almost approaching its centenary. Kostas was anxious that we not miss the chance to photograph it before it closed. It was a wonder the owners had managed to keep it going so long, until it was time for them to retire, because it must have been years since they had made a living from the shop. Konstantinos Kanellidis. I assume he must have been from Halkidiki, as the name of the shop indicates, written on the shingle in beautifully painted characters.
We lost no time in visiting the shop, on Saturday 13th February, and, with Mr. Kanellidis hurrying us to finish so he could close up and go home, we recorded a little of the place’s unique spirit in those last few days before it closed for good.
As is so often the case, the images are a mere echo of the reality they depict, but of some value nevertheless. Or so I like to think.
Aris Georgiou / February 2010